We are pleased to announce that the convenience of Continuous Giving and Year-round Giving is now offered to donors who pledge to the SEFA Campaign!
If you would like to make a pledge using the traditional paper form, please click this pdf form, Pledge and Payroll Deduction Authorization Form [PDF], please complete the form, keep Part III, and give Parts I and II to your SEFA Agency Coordinator/Representative so they can forward to your Payroll Department and the correct SEFA office.
How to stop or modify a payroll deduction?
At any time a State employee may revoke or modify a contribution made through payroll deduction by completing a new paper pledge form and giving it to the employee’s payroll office.
Contributions to the SEFA campaign are reported in the annual financial reports of the Federated Community Campaign, which distributes the funds raised to participating charities. A copy of the most recent Annual Financial Report for a Federated Community Campaign filed with the Department of Law may be obtained by writing to either of the following: NYS Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York, New York 10271; or to the Federated Community Campaign Manager serving each county.